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We are part of a network of kitchen cooperatives comprised by a number of kitchens set up in different neighbourhoods across the city and a series of orchards and farms in the locality. We cook on a daily basis and organise the different tasks in rotary shifts along the week. The premises of the kitchen have also a space with big tables where people have lunch. We usually join them when the food is ready and served. In sunny days we arrange these tables in the square adjacent to the space, so we can eat in the open air.  In the beginning, around ten years ago in 2017, most of the people who came were young practitioners, whose varying daily work conditions did not allow them to maintain a regular and healthy diet. Later on, some old ladies of the neighbourhoods started to come as they enjoyed the chats with others during the meal. At some point, some of them started to bring homemade pies and sweets, and this is how our now famous confectionery workshops started.  Recently, we have started a food delivery service just for those people who are sick or cannot move from home.

We have managed to become completely autonomous from the market as all the products come from the network. The space is energetically also self-sustained as we use the used cooking oil to light up the space and also the square! as well as to make soap to clean the tablecloths and napkins. We hang them on the rooftop. In summertime, they become a set of scenes for shadow puppets performances, which we love watching from our hanging hammocks in between the clothes as an aromatic night breeze wraps us.

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