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The second part of the workshops aims at prompting discussions around desirable socio-spatial conditions for care units to be implemented, and where (some) of these conditions can be found in the existing urban context as potential initial places to locate the first care units of Frontida. 


+ Where do we start to implant the care units?

+ How can care units grow?

+ How can different care units be connected?

+ What type of groups/networks can they form?

+ What scales of territorial organisation would be necessary?

Territorial Implementation Questionnaire

+    London counts on numerous and beautiful parks. A care unit could be placed in each of them so to have a direct connection to nature.


+    Introduce reduced-fees or free- 

of-charge passes in the public transport system to facilitate access for care givers/receivers to their care networks across the city.


+    Expand existing community centres so to turn them progressively into care units.

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